Dr. Rudy Tanzi is a Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and is the Vice Chair for the Neurology Department at Massachusetts General Hospital. His research revolves around the genetic makeup of Alzheimer's and is world-renowned for discovering the first Alzheimer's gene. Dr. Tanzi is an honorary member of Music Mends Minds.
MMM is continuing to pursue opportunities to confirm the beneficial effects of music therapy and to explore it as a viable alternative treatment in delaying the symptoms of neurodegenerative dementias. The goal is to spread awareness about music’s ability to synchronize the mind and connect people with one another. Playing a musical instrument is likened to a full-body work out for the brain, integrating motor, heightened sensory and auditory function, emotion, and other higher order processes of the brain. In addition, it seems to affect lower, more primitive areas of the brain as well. The effect? Music seems to be retained in the brain differently from other sorts of cognition such as memory and language, and can be accessed as a form of communication when other avenues are lost. Please view some relevant research articles in the links below.
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I liked seeing people reacting to the music in their own ways—singing, clapping, getting up and dancing, even conducting. It meant so much to me
There was something about the music. My husband was able to express himself better after a session.
My husband was at the stage where he was totally uncommunicative. After a session, he was like a 10! His good mood lasted through the day
I was grateful that the 5th Dementia existed. It added to my husband’s life. I was thrilled he could play music somewhere